The logistics sector has different means of transport to ship goods. For long-distance cargo transport operations, air, sea and land transport are often used air transport and land transport are often used.

All means of transportation have a number of characteristics that are different from each other. In this article we will shed some light on the characteristics of air transport, how it works, its types, and why to choose this means of transport for the shipment of goods.



What is air transportation?

Air transport is that which transports by air, by means of aircrafts, airplanes, etc. Allows the movement of people, goods and mail.

Aircraft are the fastest means of transportation and therefore the most suitable for shipping products within the supply chain that require fast and agile delivery.

So, we are talking about a type of transport that is part of the logistics of companies and all the infrastructure linked to it.

Air freight is used in most industrial sectors and supply chains. It is estimated that the trend in the use of this means of cargo transportation will continue to rise, and more flights will be used exclusively for the transport of goods.



Characteristics of air transportation

It is worth mentioning that air transport is the most recent mode of transportation. Obviously, technology in recent years has allowed air transport to make a leap in quality, making it a type of transport increasingly used by companies for export and import logistics.

It has a large base of regulations, laws and air traffic control, an important part of its management.

The main characteristics that define air transportation are the following:

  • Faster transportation. The airplane is much faster than a car, truck, train or ship, making it the ideal transportation system for transporting goods in the shortest possible time.
  • Ideal for accessing remote locations. In very distant or remote destinations, other types of transport are inefficient. Air transport has practically no limitations to reach any place.
  • Security. According to statistical data, the airplane is the safest means of transportation. It is a very reliable method of transportation, where the goods arrive at their destination in perfect condition. Freight insurance premiums in air transport are generally lower than in land or sea transport.
  • Shorter delivery times. One of its main features and advantages, there is no doubt that delivery times are much shorter than in other transportation alternatives.

In addition to all this, air transport has almost no interruptions in its services, it has no physical barriers as occurs in other modes of transport.

Learn more about the advantages of air transport.


How do air transport logistics work?

Airfreight logistics covers all physical and documentary processes that are part of the life cycle of the airfreight forwarding process.

In air transport, two types of users are identified that give rise to the shipping process:

  • Charger.
  • Addressee.

The type of shipper defines the demand for air transport service.

The selected company is in charge of the transport management to the airport facilities, and all the documents related to the transport service are prepared.

Once all the legal and customs formalities and requirements have been fulfilled, the air transport process will begin. The first step is the loading of the shipment to be sent to the requested destination.



Types of air transportation

As with any means of transport, it is possible to develop different classifications and types of air transport.

In this case we can define the following classification to better understand its characteristics:



Air cargo transportation is related to the exclusive shipment of goods. One of the most trending means of transport for logistics in recent years.


Of goods

Air transport is one of the most widely used modes of transport for import and export of goods. Facilitate fast delivery and receipt at destinations

The speed of transport continues to be a key factor in the advancement of this type of transport for the shipment of goods.


Dangerous goods

Dangerous goods are all goods that can cause damage to health and the environment.

The transport of dangerous goods has a greater restriction: transport in packages, packaging restrictions or the maximum quantity varies.

There is extensive regulation and legislation on the transport of dangerous goods, as well as liability.



Air transport classification

Another way to classify air transport can be based on its destination, or the way in which the transport is performed, we give you more details about these classifications below:


Domestic and international flights

Domestic flights are those between two points within the same national territory.

Otherwise, international flights are between two points in different states.


Scheduled and non-scheduled flights

Another interesting classification is defined by the mode of transport.

Scheduled flights stand out for offering these characteristics: public and fixed schedule, as well as frequency, itinerary and price. Accessible at any time to any person. It is carried out between two or more different traffic zones.

Non-scheduled flights are those that are contracted on an as-needed basis.



Why choose air transport

Air transport is growing by leaps and bounds and companies are increasingly choosing this mode of transport.

Air freight offers short delivery times, which is very important for increasingly demanding consumers.

Increased speed and delivery times are qualities that are very difficult to beat, making air transport an essential option.