In the world of international trade, choosing the right Incoterm can make the difference between a successful transaction and one full of complications. One of the terms often found in these agreements is the Incoterm CPT, or“Carriage Paid To“.

This article will guide you through what CPT means, the responsibilities that both buyers and sellers have when using it, its advantages and disadvantages, and how it compares to other Incoterms. We will also explore some legal considerations and tips for choosing the right Incoterm for your needs.

If you are involved in international trade, this article is essential reading for you.


What is the CPT Incoterm?

The CPT Incoterm, an acronym for “Carriage Paid To”, is a term that defines the responsibilities of both the seller and the buyer in an international trade transaction.

Under a CPT agreement, the seller undertakes to cover the costs of transporting the goods to a pre-established destination. Although the seller is responsible for shipping costs, it is important to note that the risk is transferred to the buyer as soon as the goods are delivered to the first carrier. This point of risk transfer is crucial, since, from that moment on, any eventuality or damage suffered by the goods will be the responsibility of the buyer.

The CPT Incoterm is especially useful when the parties involved in the transaction wish to separate the costs of transportation from the risks associated with it. This provides a clear and precise framework that benefits both the seller and the buyer, allowing for a smoother transaction and minimizing ambiguities.

Now that we have established a basic understanding of what the CPT Incoterm is, let’s explore in more detail the responsibilities assumed by both the buyer and seller when opting for this commercial term.


Buyer’s Responsibilities When Using CPT Incoterm

When opting for the CPT Incoterm, the buyer has specific responsibilities that go beyond simply paying the price of the product. One of the most important is to assume the risk from the moment the goods are delivered to the first carrier. This implies that the buyer must consider factors such as insurance and protective measures for the goods from that point onwards.

In addition, the buyer shall be responsible for all customs formalities necessary to import the goods, as well as any additional costs that may arise once the product has arrived at the pre-arranged destination, including, but not limited to, storage costs, inland transportation and demurrage.

In short, the buyer has a considerable burden of responsibility at the stage after the first transport, and must prepare adequately to avoid complications.


Seller’s Responsibilities When Using CPT Incoterm

On the other hand, the seller has its own set of obligations under the CPT Incoterm. The most obvious is that you must pay the costs of transporting the goods to the agreed point of destination. However, his responsibilities do not end there.

The seller must also take care of all export formalities, including obtaining the necessary licenses and completing all customs documents. This is because the seller has control of the goods until they are delivered to the first carrier, and therefore must ensure that everything is in order for a successful transport.

It should be noted that, although the seller pays for transportation to the named destination, he is not responsible for the goods once they have been delivered to the first carrier. From that moment on, any risk associated with the goods is transferred to the buyer.

We hope that these points make it clear how responsibilities are shared between buyer and seller under the CPT Incoterm. We will now discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this Incoterm.


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Advantages and Disadvantages of Incoterm CPT

Choosing the CPT Incoterm for your commercial transactions can have both benefits and limitations. Knowing both sides of the coin will allow you to make more informed decisions.



Clarity on Costs: As the seller assumes responsibility for transportation costs, the buyer has more clarity on the total costs to the point of destination.

Flexibility for the Seller: This Incoterm allows the seller some flexibility in choosing the most efficient or cost-effective means of transportation, which may result in a more economical operation.

Simplification of formalities: By being in charge of all operations until the goods are delivered to the first carrier, the seller can simplify customs and export formalities, which can streamline the entire process.



Early Transfer of Risk: For the buyer, one of the major drawbacks is that the risk is transferred very early, at the moment the goods are delivered to the first carrier. This means that any subsequent mishap will be the responsibility of the buyer.

Additional Costs for the Buyer: Once the goods have arrived at the point of destination, all additional costs and formalities are borne by the buyer, which may increase the buyer’s financial and logistical obligations.

Lack of Control for the Buyer: Since the seller selects the transportation, the buyer has less control over aspects such as the speed of delivery or the choice of transportation companies.


Taking into account these advantages and disadvantages, you will be able to evaluate whether the CPT Incoterm is the most suitable for your specific situation. In the following section, we will discuss the legal considerations you should take into account when using this Incoterm.




Legal Considerations

When trading under the CPT Incoterm, both buyer and seller should be aware of certain legal implications that could affect the transaction. The following are some of the most relevant ones:


Contracts and Documentation

It is vital that both parties clearly state in the commercial contract the terms under which the transaction will be governed. This includes, but is not limited to, product specifications, destination point and other details that may be applicable.


Licenses and Permits

The seller is responsible for obtaining all necessary export licenses and permits. However, the buyer must do the same for import licenses and permits. Failure to comply with this responsibility may result in legal sanctions.



Although the CPT Incoterm does not explicitly require the seller to take out insurance for the carriage of the goods, it is good practice for the buyer to consider insuring the goods, especially since the risk is transferred to the buyer once the goods are delivered to the first carrier.


Tax Implications

Tax implications must also be taken into account. For example, the buyer is generally responsible for any import duties or taxes that apply once the goods arrive in the destination country.


Dispute Resolution

It is always prudent to include in the contract a clause specifying the mechanism for dispute resolution, either through arbitration or through the jurisdiction of certain courts.


Knowing these legal considerations, both the seller and the buyer will be better prepared to face the legal challenges that may arise when operating under the CPT Incoterm. In the next section, we will explore how this Incoterm compares to others in the same group.


Differences with Other Group C Incoterms

Within the Incoterms universe, Group C contains several options that, although similar, have key differences that can impact your business operation. Here we will compare the CPT Incoterm with other terms of the same group: CIF, CIP and CFR.


CPT vs CIF Incoterm

CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) is similar to CPT in that the seller pays for the transportation of the goods. However, the main difference lies in the insurance. In a CIF agreement, the seller must also take out and pay for marine insurance to cover the risk of loss or damage during transport. This makes CIF more suitable for ocean shipments where additional insurance coverage is desired.

More information about the CIF Incoterm


CPT vs CIP Incoterm

CIP (“Carriage and Insurance Paid To”) also requires the seller to pay for transportation and, like CIF, includes the seller’s obligation to purchase insurance. However, the coverage in this case is more general and is not limited to ocean shipments. This makes CIP a more flexible option if transportation involves multiple modes of shipment and insurance coverage is desired.

More information about the CIP Incoterm


CPT vs CFR Incoterm

CFR (“Cost and Freight”) is similar to CPT in that the seller is responsible for transportation costs. However, in the case of CFR, this liability is limited to ocean shipments and does not include the obligation to take out insurance. This makes it less flexible than CPT when it comes to choice of transportation method, but can simplify things in the context of an ocean-only shipment.


In summary, although Group C Incoterms share many similarities, differences in aspects such as insurance and flexibility in the mode of transport can be decisive in choosing the most appropriate for your operation. In the following section, we will offer you some tips on how to do just that.


How to Choose the Right Incoterm for Your Needs

Selecting the right Incoterm is a crucial decision that can have a significant impact on your business. Here are some tips on how to choose the Incoterm that best suits your needs:


Assess Risk: Determine at what point you are willing to assume risk on the goods. This will help you select an Incoterm that aligns that risk transfer with your capabilities and expectations.

Consider the Method of Transportation: Not all Incoterms are suitable for all methods of transportation. Choose an Incoterm that is compatible with your preferred shipping method.

Costs and Obligations: Perform a detailed analysis of the costs involved and who will be responsible for them. Take into account expenses such as transportation, insurance and customs clearance.

Legal Aspects: Review local and international laws and regulations that may affect your transaction. An Incoterm that is not in compliance with the law may result in legal problems.

Relationship with the Counterparty: In transactions with trusted partners, you may be more willing to assume greater responsibilities or risks, which may influence the choice of Incoterm.

Consult Experts: If in doubt, consulting with a logistics expert, such as Across Logistics, who specializes in international trade can give you a clearer picture.


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To ensure that your business operation runs smoothly, a reliable logistics partner is essential.

At Across Logistics we are committed to efficiency and transparency. We offer a variety of services, from international freight forwarding, warehousing and distribution services, customs services, among others, to ensure that every aspect of your transaction runs smoothly.

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